Wednesday, January 14, 2015

2014 update

So uhh… another update. 
I turns out keeping up with a daily blog required more effort than I was really able to put fourth. Part of the problem I found after a while was that there wasn’t really a lot of interesting things to take shots of, another hassle was lugging my camera around and the other problem was just finding the time. A lot of last year was just grinding away at work and not getting much of anything else done. In my last update i talked about a project and it actually turned out pretty well! I got charlie to swing a bunch of flaming steel wool around on a telephone cable and took 3-4 second exposures of it, they all turned out pretty well!

So was my 2014 resolution a flop? Well, yes and no. My goal was to take a picture every day and I obviously failed at doing that, but I think what I wanted to get out of the goal was just to become a better photographer and although I'm not a pro I feel I'm better than when I started. Hey man, doing 365 things in a row is hard! I still plan on taking lots of pictures this year but I’m not going to try to commit to taking one every single day. All the good ones will make it here : )